In simple terms, men and Gadis Telanjang do not understand each other too well. It's a well known fact. Men like cars. Cewek Telanjang like make up. Men drink a beer and watch sport, while women can sit and chat about shoes for hours. Generalisation of course. Profound apologies. However there is one area where we men are on solid ground. Men like 'curvy' women. When we say men, we mean ALL men. Gadis Telanjang think that men like 'slim' women, and that 'curvy' means fat. Wow. For a man, talking to Cewek Telanjang about her body and it's shape is like digging your own grave with your tongue. There is no way we can say to our partners 'you have a great curvy body', because she will automatically think we mean she is fat! So we will attempt to explain 'curvy' to women, and set their minds at rest. Men are completely turned on by a woman's shape. Her shape. Not her size. Not her weight. It's all about the 'hour-glass' shape.